28 October 2011

Farm Fresh To Me

I was SO excited to walk in to my office this morning and see this box on my desk:

It had arrived just moments before I did. Having it delivered to the office was definitely the right choice. When I opened the box, I pulled out the plastic bag containing the vegetables:

I received one bunch of green leaf lettuce, two small Spanish onions, a bunch of carrots (with the tops, including a ladybug hitchhiker), and two stalks of broccoli. The onions were a substitute for the radishes which I had excluded.

Beneath that lay:

5 Granny Smith apples, 5 Bartlett pears, 5 D'Anjou pears, and a bunch of red grapes (which are probably NOT seedless)

I chose this CSA because A)it delivered B)you can customize your order and not get food you don't like or are allergic to and C)I had a Groupon.

I am not disappointed and can't wait to start eating. Stay tuned to see what I make!

25 October 2011

Countdown to Flexitarianism

For reasons of health, and inpsired by the many carnivores I know who've recently gone vegan for health purposes, I have decided to officially become a flexitarian.

For those of you who don't know, this is basically an ovo-lacto vegetarian diet. However, two to three servings of meat per week are allowable, preferably fish or poultry. But even steak and bacon can be enjoyed guilt-free! (Well, not entirely guilt-free for me as I'm allergic to pork)

To help me along my path, I've joined a CSA and farm fresh produce will be delivered to my door. I've committed to one delivery/month to start. They recommended twice a month for a couple and I'm half as many people. I can always make that more frequent if necessary.

This week, I'm eating the two pounds of steak I had in the freezer and looking forward to getting those fun grains quinoa, bulgur and barley into my eating plan.

What I like best about this change is that I'm not thinking about it as a diet. I'm thinking about it as a lifestyle choice. That's a new perspective for me.

Of course, losing weight would be fantastic, but that's not the goal here. The goal is to eat healthier and be healthier.

If you have any yummy vegetarian recipes, I would love to hear about them. I will try to be good and blog about any yummy things I make as well as what's in my CSA delivery and what I make with it.

Change is exciting, and also delicious!